A thug in Kam Shan-chau (Fan Sui-Wong) later arrives and challenges the various schools, defeating their masters ruthlessly, until he came face to face with Ip Man. With competitiveness taken the wrong way, things can go awfully wrong when all one wants to achieve is to have the other beaten so as to prove who the superior fighter is. In the world of martial arts, with all its attractiveness, it also brings with it the competitive nature of those who practice them. It reminds of the time when Bruce Lee had to slow his punches down during filming, as they were just too fast for the cameras back then to capture. The essence of Ip Man's fighting style, Wing Chun, is characterized by its tall narrow stance with effectiveness demonstrated through speed and power. Because in three strokes and a set of quick fists, he had Master Liu at his peril, well defeated yet without injury, as this was all but a friendly exchange in the spirit of martial arts. When the sparring finally got underway, it ended as swiftly as Ip Man's strokes suggest. We see here the humble and modest character of the protagonist. Ip Man even invited Master Liu to sit and have dinner with his family when he spots him restlessly waiting by the living room.
The mood here is not of hostility but of a light hearted and humorous fashion. He is eager to test his skills against Master Ip Man. Being the typical martial arts enthusiast that Master Liu is, he declined to leave when advised by Ip Man to come back at another time, choosing instead to stay and wait until Ip Man have finished his dinner.
Our introduction to Ip Man began on the day when Master Liu (Chen Zhi-Hui) visits Ip Man at his residence when the latter is having dinner with his wife and son. He is Ip Man, played by Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen. He however would have no interest in opening a school to teach his art. In the people's mind however there would be only one martial artist who is the best.
The movie opens and dates back to 1935 Foshan, with the city bustling with activities and various schools of martial arts are seen busy with the practice of their craft. As there has never been any previous film record of Ip Man, this film produced by Raymond Wong and directed by Wilson Yip will be the very first. Ip Man (1893-1972) is the expert in the Wushu fighting style of Wing Chun, and is the master of the famous Bruce Lee.